Wednesday, September 27, 2006

No Fun

This morning I have an event that I am so looking forward to, NOT I have to go get a colonoscopy and a endoscopy (spelling?) done. I guess this means they are getting me coming and going! LOL Anywho at leaast this will put some of the questions to rest. The Dr. thinks it is either bacteria living in me that I picked up in europe or( I just couldnt have brought back a post card) or the fact that I lived in a mold infested house for about 8 months. At least this will narrow that down!!I HOPE !!! Anywho I hate hospitals and I hate being knocked out so this is no fun. I am a little scared but from what I hear this is no big dal. Hell if I can do a heart cathiter this is a piece of cake. Right? Anywho when I get back and am not drugged up Ill write again. At least I hear Ill get good drugs that will help numb me


Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

Here is what you have to look forward to:

Spilling Ink said...

Please let us know when you get back. I really hope it's not too awful and that it's nothing serious.