Wednesday, September 27, 2006

comfortably numb

Just woke up from sleeping all day. Still a little woosey though. My friend Rick has me at his house and he is cooking. I cant wait to eat havent had anything solid since Monday night. This demorol is WOW!!! Never had it before, my friend that was with me said we were having a nice long conversation when I came out. Said I chatted with the Dr. and nurses. God I hope I did get myself into I dont remember anything but wanting to put my clothes on and get the heck out of there.I already had my boxers on before they took out the I.V. She said the Dr. said eveyting looked good and we just have to wait to get the biopces back. My throat is a little sore but the other end is o.k. I sound like I just finished smoking a pack of cigs but at least Im not walking funny. Did I mention that Demerol is WOW!! still a little funky but at least it numbed not just my body but my mind as well. I think Im going to go back to sleep until dinner.


Spilling Ink said...

I hope you enjoy dinner and time with your friend. I'm glad you're ok.

Spilling Ink said...

Just stopped by to say hello. I hope you're doing well.