Thursday, September 21, 2006

All Done

Went to the law library tonight to do some research on an assignment that isn't due until Monday. No big deal you might be saying but this is incredible for me. Not only did I finish the assignment tonight but I also did it before Sunday night or Monday morning!!! I know that this is how things are supposed to be done but I am attempting at putting a little more discipline into my life. I see a goal and instead of sitting back and waiting for it to come to me I am finally taking steps to change behavior that would have sabotaged it before. Some goals for myself that I have set: 1) to not miss any more than 3 classes each this semester. 2) to complete all assignments at least 2 days before they are actually due. 3) To be working in a law firm before the end of next month 4) to get to the beach at least twice a month. 5)put aside at least 4 hours a week for studying for the LSAT. 6) feeling better so I can start to drink again!!! That one isn't quite as important but I really do miss it. I haven't been feeling well for a while so I quit the booze because of that and also because I don't like to drink when Im not happy. I know it doesn't help it just makes things worse. 7) improving on my time management skills. Anywho those are a few of my goals for myself over the next 3 months. So far so good.


Spilling Ink said...

Good for you! It sounds like you're on a roll. This is wonderful, my friend. Keep up the good work. I know how you've been feeling, but you're doing it! You're an inspiration.

thephoenixanddragon said...

thanks so much but I think you give me way too muh credit. Just doing what I have to do to keep it together and to improve. you know what I mean.

Spilling Ink said...

Keeping it together AND improving is good stuff. I've been stuck with 'just keeping it together' from time to time. Improvement rocks!