Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My night with Ms. Jenny

Mother Rick and his husband are out on the town tonight. They have a Tuesday ritual of Bingo at Parliment House, not to be confused with balcony bingo. They usually can only stay for an hour or so due to the fact the Ms. Jenny cant be alone for that long of time and all they do is worry when they are away. Ms. Jenny is an 85 year old lady that Rick takes care of and has taken care of for multiple years. Anyway she cant be left alone which leaves Rick to a homebound existence. I got off work around 1230 today and volunteered to sit with Ms. Jenny so mamma and papa bear could have a night out. Ms. Jenny and I watched T.V and hung out with the dogs and I listened to hear talk about the man in the corner( I didn't see him but she did) It has been a nice quiet night. Tater and Bamse got a bath, everybody is walked and fed. They have called three times to make sure everything was o.k and to thank me for sitting with her. Hell its the least I could do for them after everything they do for me. Im just waiting for them to get home so I can get into my own bed and have a good night sleep. I have a busy day tomorrow that consists of a physical for a job, school and then work. Tomorrow will start at about 0800 and I should be done around 2200 if I cant get away sooner. Anywho Im going to head back to the sofa, put my feet up and if I fall asleep the boys will throw a blanket over me and Ill sleep here. Kinda wanted to be home, I feel as though Im missing something.

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