Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Balls of Some People!!

This evenening I learned a valuable lesson that thankfully was caught in time. There are some people in this world that like to make you feel as bad as they do. I was talking with someone that most people didn't think I would chat with again and as we chatted the truth started coming out as to what other people had been telling us we had supposedly said. Follow that? Basically these certain individuals are so unhappy with their pathetic little lives that they feel it necessary to share their miserable existence with the rest of us. Two people that have always been honest with other and are just trying to find their way. WHAT THE FUCK!!! These people have perfected the art of misery. Just because they are incapable of having an honest relationship without all the childish games they feel it their duty to spread their infestation of jealousy, drama and for lack of an eloquent adjective BULLSHIT! How can people that are supposedly called friends behave in such a manner? I guess the saying goes " misery loves company" but I am asking this guest to leave. I have no room in my life for people like this. I have too many others that care and love me, I have too much love for myself and the other person to tolerate this facade and complete waste of time. How dare you interfere with us! How dare you under the camouflage of friendship attempt to cause hurt! POOF~!!! BE GONE!!

1 comment:

Spilling Ink said...

These so-called friends? They sound like my family, especially my mother. I still love her, she IS my mother, but I must seriously limit my contact for my own well-being. Who needs that noise? Go ahead and let yourself off the hook. You're aren't obligated to keep friends who treat you in such a shabby manner.

Besides, you have Mother Rick. *sigh* You're so lucky. He reads here, huh? Hi Rick, you rock! Do you have any brothers?