Sunday, October 08, 2006

a great day of nothing really

Today was a really good day. To start off with I stayed in bed until about 1130. That was great!! Then I spent the afternoon at mother Rick house and while he babysat my wonderful dog Bamse I went down to the pool for a little sun.In the past I would never go to an apartment pool because I thought I was too fat and was to insecure to get around those that hung around apartment pools but I dont feel that way today. I have lost another 2 pounds and I look damn good. For the first time in a long while when I look in the mirror I actually like what I see.
When M.R babysits Bamse spends her time with Tater. Mother Rick has this boxer named Tater. Tater and Bamse are madly in love. I think its just sex for bamse but don't tell Tater. I wont go into all the details of their sexual encounters but lets just say they get more action then I do right now.(which pisses me off, no I'm not bitter. I know hate the game not the player) Anyway when we leave Tater cries as we go out the door. bamse is perfectly happy to go home.( wonder where she got that from?) It is so bizarre. anywho back from the tangent. I then went over to my Aunt Renettes house for dinner. Her and her partner Ramona had a cook out and baked a cake. I swear I am so lucky that I have all these wonderful people in my life that like to feed me. Aunt Rennette has known me for about 11 years. Its kinda cool all these people that I had known for such a long time are back in my life. None of them are my biological family but definitely my chosen one. I have been very blessed with a very close and wonderful biological family and a chosen family that just ROCKS!!! Tonight we just sat out on her porch and watched the clouds roll in and the sun set . The sky was so beautiful tonight. There was tons of heat lightening and quite a few bolts as the storm came in right behind the sunset. We then played a board game called therapy. Maybe you know it P.T.? LOL It was a fun game, now I am finally home to get ready for work tomorrow.

1 comment:

Spilling Ink said...

A great bio-family AND a great chosen family? You are so blessed!!! I'm glad. You deserve it.