Wednesday, October 04, 2006

hope, faith belief

Hope is the first step then faith then belief. You have to have a hope things will change before they then when you get a glimmer of light that things might actually be changing you have faith. When you can actually see the results then you have belief.Faith is almost like a sunrise. Faith is belief just without the evidence. When it is so darkout in the dead of night you hope that the sun will be rising to shed light. Then things start to get a little less dark, the moon has moved across the sky and it isn’t so dark this is where faith comes in, you haven’t seen the sun rise yet so you don’t believe but you have heard of the sunrise so you have faith that it is coming. You start to see the beginning of what you have hope and faith is indeed the sunrise. Then you wait. You start to see the sun poke its beams above the horizon and it is not so dark out anymore. There is the sun now you see the workings of your hope and faith. Now you believe.

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