Monday, October 16, 2006

a fun day

Had a really good day yesterday. it was O-towns Gay pride parade. Granted it was no San Fran pride but is was all we had. I rode my motorcycle in the parade with a couple of friends which was a absolute blast. But Im jumping ahead. It started out with me meeting my friend Jan down at a local rest. for brunch. I woke up feeling like absolute crap, it seems that I have managed to acquire that horrid little bug that has been going around. Yet I had been looking forward to this day so I sucked it up. This is when things started to get a little weird. I rode down to meet her at about 945. I was enjoying taking the curves and just enjoying being out and when I came up to a stop light, a lady behind me honked. I didn't think anything of it because people do that all the time. I turned around to wave and she said " you'll get rid of it, I have it to .do you drink? and I said I was having trouble hearing because of the motor and I had a head cold and maybe I should start drinking to kick it.she then said You aren't afraid are you? And I said of riding? and she she just smiled. I told her of riding no but I do have some other fears. And she just smiled. Weird huh? I went on to meet Jan and told her about it and we kinda laughed but it stuck in the back of my head about that bizarre conversation. I mean how random?
At brunch there were 8 of us they were either fire fighters, EMT's, cops, one teacher, a hair salon owner anyway all professionals. It was so nice sitting around around having adult conversations. My last girlfriend of long term was 14 years younger than me and I was up in Tallahassee at FSU so everyone that we associated with was of college age. It was just really nice to sit around and chat with people that actually were in the same place in life as myself (or at least where I want to go). after brunch we went back to kristins house and chatted then they went to play softball and Jan and I rode down to the parade kick off. The parade was such a blast saw so many people I knew and managed to get through the parade without adding anyone on to my bike. I was having so much fun just hotroding that I didn't want anyone riding bitch. Actually I did ask one girl to ride but she was hanging out with her mom and friends so she said no. Jan wasn't able to pick anyone up because her girlfriend wouldn't have appreciated that too much. LOL Anywho when we were done going through the parade we pulled over to watch the rest. Then we decided to go grab some lunch and drinks. While we were headed down some cobble stone streets I saw some friends that I wanted to say hello to. I started to turn around but my tires and road was wet so when that happened my tire slipped and I ended up dumping the bike. Luckily I ended up on top of my bike so when it went sliding I wasn't underneath it. Ended up breaking my shifter and tail light off, my scratched my derby cover all up and my primary case is leaking cause the seal is broken now. Eveything I can fix myself so Im grateful about that and that the only thing hurt was my pride. Pride cometh before the fall right? It comes before but it doesn't coushin it. LOL I rode my bike home and just said screw it and I rode with Jan back downtown to the festivities. We forgot all about eating and decided to go straight to the beer. Now I have had probably 3 beers in the past 8 months so needless to say it didn't take much. After 2 or 3 I wasn't feeling much pain. Finally we hooked up with some of our other friends and decided to get something to eat. There was a lady that was there and her name was Deb. She is older than me but we ended up talking for most of the time at dinner. After that it was getting a little late so everyone left except for Deb and I so we went over to a bar central Station where a friend of mne works and hooked up with her and her boyfriend. The four of us left there and went to another bar downtown where I ran into a old friend. Its so weird I cant remember where I know her from but we used to hang out all the time and she knows stuff about me that I cant remember. The closest I can pinpoint it to was back when I was 20. Because she was talking about the clubs we went to and the people we hung out with. If it was back then it is no wonder I don't remember her. I don't think I slept with her LOL. Anyways after hanging out with Lindsey, her bf and Deb I decided to head home. Deb and I ended up talking for a couple of hours. About what I wanted out of life and about how I analyze things. It went on to becoming a full fledged interrogation about thoughts and feelings. Part of her job is to be able to read people so it was rather interesting to get her take on the working of my mind. I find it really interesting when people try to read me. It is almost a challenge of sort. I was impressed by the accuracy of what she came up with. Anyway Ill save that for another blog because this is getting too long. I just so enjoyed the day where I wasn't the oldest one around and there were people that were intelligent, upfront, no bullshit drama, not judging, trying to get something from me, using me to make people jealous, established, and just plain fun.


Spilling Ink said...

Fun is a good thing. A VERY good thing. It sounds like you had a great time. I'm glad you were on the upside when you landed the bike. I hope it's not too hard to patch up.

thephoenixanddragon said...

Rick: sounds like a plan. I love to ride, the closest thing to flying without leaving the ground. Stop being chicken and get one.Even though you are married they are great chick magnets.better then dogs. lol
Lynn: It was a great day minus the bike but I got most of that fixed today. A part of my joy is working on my bike. My hands are all dirty and my clothes are a mess but thats all part of the fun. I need to get a angel bell. Its a belief that when you put this bell on the bottom of your bike it wards off the evil road demons. The trick is you cant buy it for yourslf someone has to give it to you. I guess I just have to take someone with me to the Harley store gove them the money and then I can have one. Cant hurt to try to keep those nasty road demons away.

Spilling Ink said...

Or you could email me a P.O.

thephoenixanddragon said...

BIG HUGS GO TO YOU LYNN!!!! You are so sweet.