Monday, October 09, 2006


Interview went really well today with one exception. The job is in Kissimmee which is about 30 min. From my house. I left today 2 hours early to make sure I had enough time to get down there because I didn't want to be late. Turns out they do the interviewing at the downtown Orlando Court House, five mins. From my house. I ended up getting there about 5 min. late but called to let them know I was leaving their kissimmee office. Thankfully she was tied up in a meeting and ws running late. Saved!! She made a joke about me going all the way to the other office and I told her I was just practicing the drive for when I got the job. After the interview she invited me back for a second interview with some of the other attorneys. Keeping my finger crossed( and toes and legs,etc.) I need to go shoping again because I cant wear the same outfit again. I was so happy trying on dress pants. A size 10 is almost too big for me. ROCK ON!!!
I found out last nght by that phone call for one of those people that I had been directly lied to. She was telling me about a conversation she had with the other one and I asked her directly if she had told this other person anything about what I had said to her and she said no.She said what I told her was in cinfidence and she would never say anything. That this other person knows we talk but never is any content revealed. BULLSHIT!! Now I know for a fact that both of them are liars. I knew before that one of them was but now it is confirmed they both are. This should be my last entry about this but it just bothers me that people have to be so... so... too many adjectives just pick one. as I said before POOF be gone.


Anonymous said...

I don't understand what is going on here? Can you explain it to me as if I am 5 years old? I think I will get your meaning, it, then.


Spilling Ink said...

I'm glad the interview went well. I really hope you get the job!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed, too.

thephoenixanddragon said...

o.k. .P.T. sorry about that. My ex and I have 2 friends that are dating. She is better friends with one and Im better friends with the other. Im using the word friend
loosely. When my ex and I started talking again we found out all the lies that we were both getting from our so called friends. we knew one of them was a liar just wasnt sure about the other. Per the phone call it was confirmed that they both are liars. so we have decided to put them out of our lives. My ex and I have never been anything but honest with each other. the only reason I can think of why they would do this is to cause pain and to keep us from each other. sorry about the confussion