Thursday, November 02, 2006

Ham or Eggs

Took the bike out tonight with my buddy GB for a long ride. GB is having issues with his wife and Im having a hard day as well. We usually go out and hot rod around and blow of some steam. We got a late start tonight, didn't leave his place until around 600. This is usually my favorite time to ride because I love to look at the sunset. Tonight had a beautiful sunset and the sky was incredible. All and all it was a gorgeous night for riding. I really wanted to give her a call to see if she wanted to come out tonight. I miss us going for rides together. I rode before I met her and Im still riding but I just couldn't get the times we would go out together out of my head. GB says that Im not letting go because of expectations. Expectations I had for the relationship, her and myself. I guess that make a little sense but I still miss her. Just want to get her out of my mind. No I don't that's a lie, I want to get the hurt out of my heart. Can I do one without the other?
After riding I went over to Mother Ricks house tonight to watch our usual Ugly Betty and Grays Anatomy. That is our usual Thursday night thing. I got there late so I could only catch G.A. O.K. Im addicted I love that show. There are a couple that I try not to miss. G.A. Ugly Betty, Boston Legal and the group therapy with Ted Dansa. Help you Help me I think the name is. anywho G.A was good tonight learned all about being either a pig or a chicken in relationships. I know things are bad when you start finding lessons in t.v sitcoms but this one actually is kinda cool. I have this thing about analogies and sayings. Anyway this guys wife is pregnant and he wants to get married he said that basically he had been eggs through the relationship but now he was ham. He looked at it as a breakfast plate. The chicken was involved as to the point that she produced the eggs but that's all she wasn't committed she just played a part. Now the pig on the other hand was committed to the breakfast because he was ham now. there was no backing out he was a part, commitment. so the question he had to ask himself was he ham or eggs. He decided ham and wanted to get married.

I dont know what that has to do with things but I thought it was interesting. Just rambeling now I think Im just going to go to bed. I have been at Mother Ricks house since Sunday. They have been tenting my apt. for termites so Bamse and I stayed with them. I was going to be there tonight cause i just didnt want to be alone but i decided I needed to suck it up and just go home.

I had a call from the Public Defenders office, they wanted me to come in for another interview. I decided to go even though I started at a firm downtown, I figured it couldnt hurt to see what they had to say. They said that they thought I was to qualified for just a clerk position so they were interviewing me for a assistant/receptionist position. The interview went really well. I interviewed with 3 people and they loved me. How could they not? :) It turn out this position is in the juvenille division so I will probably get a chance to see some of my friends students. LOL I think it looks really good so we'll see. They say good things come to those that wait. I have been waiting long enough. She said she was going to be calling me again for another interview, I imagine to sit with the attorneys Ill be working with. Keep your fingers crossed.

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