Sunday, November 12, 2006


A BIG FUCK YOU!! That's pretty much what Im hearing. Goes from a phone call every once in a while to nothing. Whatever!! She is obviously gone from my life now all I need to do is get her out of my head. and out of my dreams. Every night I close my eyes I end up having her there. Last night we were talking and I telling her how I realized that she was trying to be something she wasn't for me and I just wanted her to be who she wanted because I would love her no matter who she was. The dream goes on on and on as were talk and work things out. Im not sure what is going on. The last phone call started by I was just calling so I wouldn't be rude. The only way I can interrupt this is a big fuck you to me. That's cool rayray. At least I now know the direction this is going. Actions speak louder than words. I hate this saying, I hate it because it is true and I hate looking at what things are instead of seeing what I want. On my way to work now but I just woke up with all this crap and I wanted to get it out before I started my day. Pretty much of a ranting but fuck it. Fuck it all.


Spilling Ink said...

I'm sorry you are having to deal with this pain. I know how hard it is to long for someone. I hope tomorrow will be a better day.

Leon's current assignment said...

Ya know, "fuck you" is a good thang, sometimes the very BEST thang. It's your emotional truth right now. "Fuck it" is also good only when one gets to *this* point, acting out usually follows--to which I say "fuck off" AND "fuck you".

Fucking things can be very freeing and healing. Let it be, ya know, let it fucking be.

Been there, bought the book AND the fucking t-shirt.


thephoenixanddragon said...

Dont think I could ever say fuck off or fuck you, not to her anyways. Im good at saying that to the rest of the world but dont see me ever being able to say that to her.
Could you send me the book and t-shirt please?