Saturday, November 04, 2006

So Over It!!

I stopped by a local bar last night to say good bye to some friends that were moving out of town. As soon as I got there I ran into Mrs. Drama herself better known as grandma to some. I cant believe some people. I was polite and asked her if she had indeed told others that I had told her that I wanted her or was in love with her. She looked me straight in the eye and said no but she knew where that rumor came from. It came from S who told the girl Mrs Drama is dating and that's how she heard about it. Just 2 minutes before another girl Mrs. Drama was dating or had bben dating , who the fuck knows told me that Mrs. Drama told her that. I cant fucking believe it. First to lie to me then to try to tell me that S had started it. I am so over all this drama. One I never said anything like that, granted the day that I was drugged up on demoral I could have told her I loved her but I told everyone I talked to that day that I lived them and don't even remember talking to them. But never, never ever had I told her anything that could re,otely be construed to me wanting her or being in love with her. First and foremost since S I have not had wanted or been in love with anyone but S, second Mrs. Drama was dating a friend of mine and I would never do that to a friend.Third I had known Mrs. Drama fir about 20 years if I had wanted her it would have come up before now. I just left I was so disgusted. Then on my way out she tells me to call her. Ill call her alright I can think of lots of things to call her. I hate that this community is so small. I hate that people have to be so petty and small.
Anyways on a brighter note my friends from CA are in town, they arrived today and we met out for dinner. It was so great seeing them. Again they both offered for me to move out there with them. It was brought up not once but 3 times before dinner was over. I have to ponder it a little more but I think I see a move in the future for me. I know that you cant run from yourself but I gotta get out of here. I just want to be away from all this crap. I know that no matter where you go you have issues but at least a move would give me a fresh start. Im just tired of bullshit. Im tired of being lied to, of looking over my shoulder, and worrying when I go out if Im going to run into her and whoever she is dating now because there are really only two bars to go to. Im tired of being involved in such a small scene that everyone has to know your business and has to meddle in it. I have been out and about in this town for about 20 years. Its time to move on to something new. Thinking about all this crap makes me want to vomit. New job, new society, possibly a new relationship, just a new beginning. There is really nothing keeping me here. I can take my car, my dog, my bike so Im good.I can finish up school and look for a job out there. There is also a law school not far from their house. I have picked up and moved across the ocean so going to CA isn't that far. They are here for about 10 days so there is plenty of time to talk about it.


Spilling Ink said...

Man oh man, that is a lot of drama. Have fun with your friends and I hope you arrive at the decision that is best for you.

thephoenixanddragon said...

hey Lynn!! Im just trying to come to the right decission without running or acting out of fear or acting from emotions. I was pretty pissed off.I want to make sure that whatever I do or dont do it is because it has the best options for me. I have plenty of time to decide there is no hurry. How have you been my friend?