Thursday, November 30, 2006
New Job Update
I find myself at work shaking my head a lot of the times, wondering how these kids can get into so much trouble and wondering where the hell the parents are and what are they doing. Every day I open about 25 new cases and we open more than we close. I find myself looking for my friends students. Sorry guys but next year doesn't look so great for you either.
My life is so busy right now but it is a good thing. Im taking care of what I need to do. After this month I can slow down a little so only 31 more days to go. Finals are next week and both jobs are busy. A friend works for a catering company and he got me working with him for the holidays so I have a couple of weddings and X-Mas parties to help with. That will help get that down payment on the new Harley. Angel wants a sister. LOL
Anyway good night all, I have a long day tomorrow of work and then last minute studying so I need to get to bed. Now that Im a working girl it is past my bedtime. LOL
Monday, November 27, 2006
Long time
Over the holidays I had a pretty big revelation. I saw my grandmother and she didn't recognize me. She had a clue she knew who I was but she couldn't quite place me. After this I went outside and God and I had a little talk. I told him that I couldn't do this anymore . Meaning that I am so tired of trying to be in control, having to figure everything out, basically putting my hands into the works. I told him that I was ready to give up control to put my faith back into him and that everything that is happening is for a purpose and it isn't for my understanding. I told him that between my grandmother, my career, S, school, my plans for my future, I found out the guy that I was planning on having kids with has gotten back into drugs and isn't planning on sticking to our agreement, that everything was too much. After this I felt sense of peace that I didn't have the responsibility for things. Not meaning that I wasn't taking an active part but that I just didn't have to be in the drivers seat anymore. I constantly have to give him things because old habits are hard to break but It is getting less and less. I just have faith that everyting is as it should be even if I don't understand them. Im also finding that my change in attitude is changing how I act and react to things. I am tird of trying to be angry. Anger takes to much energy and that is not me. My attitude now is I just want to be. Accept whatever comes my way as just something that is. I have been so blessed by my family, friends and the life that I have. Not to mention my motorcycle. She has new shocks that I am putting on and she is getting new pipes. Thunderheaders!!! Those are the shit!!! LOUDER and FASTER!!! will give me more horsepower!! That's all the excitement I need!! Went out for a long ride last night the longest since April. Had such a great time. Just riding and really not thinking or analyzing anything. Went out by some lakes where it was so quiet. God it was nice!! Living in the moment. I think that's the key. Just enjoying what is when it is. Such a simple concept yet so difficult when Im trying to control things, trying to get them to turn out how I want them.
Finals are coming up, LSAT is on sat. working 2 jobs and trying to have a social life shit no wonder I havent been here in a while. But life is good and Im not waiting for the bomb to drop Im just taking things as they come. No expectations, just living in the moment.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Hence the FUCK IT blog. Not saying fuck you to anyone in specific just the world in general. Im just saying it in general. I used to have a tattoo on my arm that said FTW. I got it when I was young and angry. I told my mom it meant free the world, to free it from the oppressions of society but it really meant fuck the world. It has long been removed by laser surgery but the feeling is back. From what Im to understand the process of grieving consistes of bargaining, sadness , anger and acceptance. Well guess where Im hanging out? Will this be directed at any one person? No of course not. Is this because of any one person. No. Im just tired.The only emotion I choose to feel right now is anger on the way to numbness. Numb is good. Comfortably numb is better.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Closest thing to flying
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Just seems as though everytime I start to get going in the direction that I would like something comes along and presents difficulties. Im so tired of getting shot down. This past year really has sucked and I have gone through more metamorphosis then I would like. First ended a almost 6 year relationship, then moving, then changing jobs, health issues, school, another break up, and the continual self-reflection. O.K. Enough of the self pity what am I going to do about it? I am going to look at the fact that I have my health, my family and friends have their health, when a door closes a window is opened, and like everything there is a reason for everything and all I have to do is to try to do the right thing and keep putting one foot in front of the other.
I have realized something about myself, I am noticing some behaviors that I have started that I don't like. Don't really feel like getting into details (another blog day) but lets just say that it isn't the kind of person that I want to be so I know I have to take certain actions to not continue.
I just wish that I could get a burning bush, a crystal ball or something that would let me what Im supposed to be doing , where Im suppossed to be doing it, who Im to do it with, and how Im going to get there. I am just tired of wasting time. I feel as though the clock is ticking and I just want to get things right. Its this not knowing thing that drives me apeshit.
I went to a noon mass today. Dont worry to much not, Im not a Catholic, Im Episcapal. The first time in a long while, I really miss the spiritual aspect of my life. I find that when I am in touch with that my acceptance, patience and peace come alot easier. I dont think its because situations change it is my perception of them that change and Im not trying to control my surroundings. I even have started to read a book on Buddhism, The Four Noble Truths. I also started to read my books on Taoism again.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Angel and I
So I decided to follow suit and be a sheep for a change. Others are posting pics so I decided to take a risk and put some pics of myself up. That is me on the left taken in Amsterdam in June 2005. We were at the Heiney Experience. LOVE THAT BEER!! Not feeling any pain at that point. Did make it to many "coffee" shops but NO I didnt partake. I will admit going to a live sex show in the red light didtrict. I got pulled up on stage to assist a lady preformer. Thats a whole other blog.
This is in Copenhagen Denmark taken in August 2005. Anna is on the left Chris one of my ex's is 2nd to left , then me, Kirstin, Stine( we call her svine), and Batina (Bubber). A great bunch of girls I miss them especially Anna and Bubber. HOT!!! Anyway off topic.This is a new picture of me just taken today. When I look at these pics its as if Im looking at a totally
different person. it is still a little strange when I look in a mirror and see this person looking back at me. My girls at Harley want me to bring in pictures of me from when I played rugby. They dont believe that I was once husky enough to be a prop. I saw an old professor and friend today he didnt recognize me. My friend Shelly and her girlfrend Crystal are calling me a girly girl. Just because when we were riding in the truck I saw a spider run across the dashboard I screamed and jumped behind Crystal yelling for her to kill it. I remember what the spiders did to Rick when he tried to save one so I wasnt going to take any chances!! I had her kill the bastard. Besides it was huge I think it was about 3 feet around! O.K. not that big but it was in a moving vechile with me and one of us was going and it wasnt going to be me. When we got back to Shelly's house she proceeded to pick me up and throw me over her shoulder like I was nothing. That is so odd. I used to be the one to do that to girls. They made me promise not to loose any more weight. I told them I still have meat on the bones just not a whole lot of fat. Im really not trying anymore. I figure my body will taper off when it wants. Im just going to keep eating healthy(YES I DO EAT!!) and doing what Im doing. I pretty much have setteled at about the weight I am now. As long as I feel and look good Im not worried. At the risk of sounding a little arrogant I know I look good. At least thats what I keep being told. Its nice to know that but its also really nice to hear from others.
This is Angel and I. She is a Harley Davidson 1200S. She is my baby. I was thinking about trading her in for something larger. I was looking at that Dyna custom but I cant anymore. I have hooked up with a couple of guys at work and they are going to help me fix her up even more. They have sporty's and agree that I shouldnt sell it, Besides I can just save up and get that Dyna without trading her in. Hows that for retail therapy? There is nothing wrong with having two Harleys. Also the one I want to get isnt going to be available until at least Feb. So that gives me plenty of time to save.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
So Over It!!
Anyways on a brighter note my friends from CA are in town, they arrived today and we met out for dinner. It was so great seeing them. Again they both offered for me to move out there with them. It was brought up not once but 3 times before dinner was over. I have to ponder it a little more but I think I see a move in the future for me. I know that you cant run from yourself but I gotta get out of here. I just want to be away from all this crap. I know that no matter where you go you have issues but at least a move would give me a fresh start. Im just tired of bullshit. Im tired of being lied to, of looking over my shoulder, and worrying when I go out if Im going to run into her and whoever she is dating now because there are really only two bars to go to. Im tired of being involved in such a small scene that everyone has to know your business and has to meddle in it. I have been out and about in this town for about 20 years. Its time to move on to something new. Thinking about all this crap makes me want to vomit. New job, new society, possibly a new relationship, just a new beginning. There is really nothing keeping me here. I can take my car, my dog, my bike so Im good.I can finish up school and look for a job out there. There is also a law school not far from their house. I have picked up and moved across the ocean so going to CA isn't that far. They are here for about 10 days so there is plenty of time to talk about it.
Friday, November 03, 2006
morning thoughts
I also thought about the ideas I had, how there were times that I saw so clearly us being together. I do believe that I am very intuitive but I also know that I have thing abut being right.(I know P.T. you would say thats the lawyer coming out of me.LOL) I think its entirely possible that I was seeing these things because that was what my heart wanted. I didn't want to be wrong about this. When I was with Ann I saw that relationship as the one. It was for me but that wasn't a prediction of the future it was just what I saw for myself and my hearts desire. When I was with Chris I knew it wasn't going to work but I didn't want to give up because of the time we had put into it and because I didn't want to be wrong again. With S I so wanted this to be it. I thought we were doing things the right way, we dated for a little before making a commitment, we didn't jump into anything, we were honest with each other, we talked about everything, we wanted the same things out of life, I was so attracted to her, everything was there. eveything but the timing. I guess I became the pig and she was just the chicken ( see last blog for explanation if needed). When I found out that she had only been out of a relationship for two weeks when we met my first instinct was to run. Yet I was assured that she was done and over that because she had already dealt with that.( funny how those same people are now the ones that are saying she needs to be single to heal) It really doesnt matter anyways because at that point It was too lateI had already fallen. anyhow I had been holding on because I had this vision that seemed so real to me but there inlies the operative words " for me" Its time to let go, there is no need to hold the door to my heart open when there is no desire for her to walk through. I realize that its not about me being right or wrong about this. its about not being the appropriate time. I did see what could have been but that was just looking at where my desires and actions were going. I was looking into a mirror not a crystal ball. All I was looking for was a small sign, for reason to not let go, for a reason to keep that possibility open, a reason to see something besides what starring me in the face. I just wanted a thread to grasp.
People say that I need to be single to fuck around and not be in a relationship. I think its important to be in a place that you don't need to be in a relationship but I want to be in a relationship. I can be single, date, fuck around and not settle down but I have done all of that already. I don't have that desire to go through all that. I want to be with one person. I want to create a life for us. I think people that are telling me I have to be single are people that are incapable for whatever reason to have a relationship. I think it is human nature to want to have a partner and to not be alone. Even animals seek out partners, with the exception of wasps and some spiders that kill their mates. There are some exceptions to both sides, nothing is absolute.
What will be will be. Serendipity an excellent movie. I know that I am not finished with love. I am incapeable of closing off my heart. If we are meant to be we will and if not then thats because there is someone more appropriate out there for both of us. I just wish that things could have been different. I wish they could be different now.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Ham or Eggs
After riding I went over to Mother Ricks house tonight to watch our usual Ugly Betty and Grays Anatomy. That is our usual Thursday night thing. I got there late so I could only catch G.A. O.K. Im addicted I love that show. There are a couple that I try not to miss. G.A. Ugly Betty, Boston Legal and the group therapy with Ted Dansa. Help you Help me I think the name is. anywho G.A was good tonight learned all about being either a pig or a chicken in relationships. I know things are bad when you start finding lessons in t.v sitcoms but this one actually is kinda cool. I have this thing about analogies and sayings. Anyway this guys wife is pregnant and he wants to get married he said that basically he had been eggs through the relationship but now he was ham. He looked at it as a breakfast plate. The chicken was involved as to the point that she produced the eggs but that's all she wasn't committed she just played a part. Now the pig on the other hand was committed to the breakfast because he was ham now. there was no backing out he was a part, commitment. so the question he had to ask himself was he ham or eggs. He decided ham and wanted to get married.
I dont know what that has to do with things but I thought it was interesting. Just rambeling now I think Im just going to go to bed. I have been at Mother Ricks house since Sunday. They have been tenting my apt. for termites so Bamse and I stayed with them. I was going to be there tonight cause i just didnt want to be alone but i decided I needed to suck it up and just go home.
I had a call from the Public Defenders office, they wanted me to come in for another interview. I decided to go even though I started at a firm downtown, I figured it couldnt hurt to see what they had to say. They said that they thought I was to qualified for just a clerk position so they were interviewing me for a assistant/receptionist position. The interview went really well. I interviewed with 3 people and they loved me. How could they not? :) It turn out this position is in the juvenille division so I will probably get a chance to see some of my friends students. LOL I think it looks really good so we'll see. They say good things come to those that wait. I have been waiting long enough. She said she was going to be calling me again for another interview, I imagine to sit with the attorneys Ill be working with. Keep your fingers crossed.