Sunday, July 01, 2007


So it seems as its been forever since I have written and it has. So much to catch up on. Since last blog I applied to law schools but alas I procrastinated too long and I missed the cutoff. True to the saying that everything happens for a reason it turns out one of the schools I applied to might not be losing its ABA approval so its a good thing that I waited. LOL
Anyway working at another Harley dealership and having a blast. Job at the PD's is going great but very busy. Working down at the jail is rewarding,incredibly tear jerking, and frustrating all rolled up together. It is a great place to start but I don't see myself making a career out of this. One of the officers at the jail is sponsoring me for the academy so i figured I would give that side of the judicial system a try and see what happens. I have another year left before I can apply to law school again so I figured why not. Another door is opening so lets see where it leads.
Love life is another thing altogether. I'm still single and very happy to be this way. I was dating a lady for a month or so but she had this incredibly bad habit of talking out of both sides of her mouth. One story would be she wanted to take things slow and easy and then the next thing would be she didn't see the relationship being where it is supposed to be. WHAT?? I would tell her how I wanted things to be easy and that I didn't want to be in a relationship right now. I wanted to see where things would go and let things happen in their own time but that wasn't possible for her. She is used to getting what she wants when she wants it but I'm not one of those things.I kept saying that I didn't come with any past girlfriend issues and that when I settled down I was able to give that relationship 100% of me. I didn't come with trust issues, insecurity issues or hang ups. Of course I still have things to work on, we all do and will to the day we die but I wasn't going to bring any of these into a relationship. I was in a emotional position to not let my past ruin my future. That not what i got from her. Holy shit!! The insecurity issues, the mistrust and just plain psycho behavior. Needless to say it ended pretty badly and unfortunately I think i lost what was a friend but that is by her choice. It started once a week I would get the talk that went something like this" I cant do this anymore , you are too close I don't want to get hurt and I'm ready to settle down. we are in two different places." Then every couple of days I would get the talk. I told her that I would not commit myself to a relationship that was unstable, and emotionally unsafe. I would not knowingly put myself into a potentially damaging situation. The situation came to a head when we went out to a bar, I took the motorcycle and she drove her car with some friends. After being at the bar for a bit I ran into a old friend after talking to him he introduced me to a friend of his. She said she like to ride so I took her for a quick ride on the bike. I didn't tell her I was leaving for a few but I did tell a friend that i would be back in a few. When I got back she went apeshit. Screaming at me saying to never call her again, and the nerve of me to leave with that girl. That my ego needs to feed. I admit having a Harley is great for the ego. That one of the perks of having one. DUHH!!! Anywho I get accused of arranging to meet this girl there and I had that ride planned out, etc etc etc.. One of the last things she texted me (because I hung up on her phone call) was "was that ride worth it?" If I would have answered her back the answer would have been HELL YES!! The girls name I went riding with is Lauren. I didn't find that out until later. Anyway we exchanged numbers and have been hanging out everyday since we met. I get out of work at 1230A.M and she meets me at my house and we go riding until usually 3 or 4 in the A.M. We are just hanging out chillin. She is from Boston and I crack up every time we talk. The other night we went to Karaoke, got a good buzz going, sang all night then rode home. The singing:horrible but fun, the drinking: cold beer and relaxing, the ride home: a blast! We have this shopping cart thing going on that Ill explain later but we have such a good time together. Anyway I found an awesome friend out of all that crap so yes it was worth it.


Spilling Ink said...

Hey, Phoenix!! I missed you, friend! I was so happy to see you over at my place and to read your post. Sorry about the nightmare girlfriend. Sounds like my husband #2. What a drag. The new friend sounds nice. I hope you will post some more.
Big Hugs!!!

Sorted Lives said...

Hey Hoops!! I hope you are doing well. I miss our chats!!

thephoenixanddragon said...

Hey Lynn!!SHE WASNT A GIRLFRIEND!! LOL Thats what I had been trying to explain to her too. LOL
Hey Sorted: Life has been good just really busy. I miss our chats as well. Will talk to you soon.