Thursday, January 25, 2007

Follow the leader

When are you supposed to stop following your heart and listen to your mind.?How do you know if what you are listening to is your heart speaking the truth or if you are just making yourself believe something because its not what the heart wants to hear?Do you follow your heart when your brain is telling you otherwise? If not, how do you know when not to? Im searching desperately for a balance. Im sitting in civil lit class and it is so basic im bored out of my mind so I have plenty of time to let my mind wander. I've participated but he wont call on me anymore so my mind can wander. Anyway back to discussion at hand. I think maybe it just goes back to not living with any regrets or wondering what if.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby, you're such a *good* goddamned person, don't you worry your pretty head and gorgeous heart about figuring it all out.

Here's what I'm thinkin'--The Universe (or whatever) has all the time in the world for you to come to "know" (captial k), heh, heh, heh, ALL the freakin' time.

Hope you're well. Life zooms along then it slows to a halt before sputtering along again.
What you gonna do, I ask you?

Breathe, precious, breathe. Just keep rolling along...

Praying you're unaffected by the severe storm that crashed through your home state today. Thinking about you.


